Event Sign up

Mutton Bustin’

Registration and Payment Directions

  1.  Complete the Mutton Bustin’ waiver and email it to gatesvilleridingclub1937@gmail.com
  2. In your email, designate the preferred day and a second choice.  Your form will be marked by GRC with the date in which you will ride.
  3. An invoice will be sent to the email in which we received the waiver from unless otherwise instructed.
  4. Registration is NOT complete until the invoice is paid through paypal.
  5. Your spot is only held for 48 hours once an invoice has been sent.
  6. The night of participation, the person whom is on the waiver will need to show a valid ID as the parent/guardian of the child that will be participating.

Mutton Bustin’ Time!

Jr. Barrels

Registration and Payment Directions

  1.  Complete the Jr. Barrels waiver and email it to gatesvilleridingclub1937@gmail.com
  2. In your email, designate the preferred day and a second choice.  Your form will be marked by GRC with the date in which you will ride.
  3. An invoice will be sent to the email in which we received the waiver from unless otherwise instructed.
  4. Registration is NOT complete until the invoice is paid through paypal.
  5. Your spot is only held for 48 hours once an invoice has been sent.
  6. The night of participation, the person whom is on the waiver will need to show a valid ID as the parent/guardian of the youth that will be participating.

Jr. Barrels